Dulu dan sekarang.
Belajar zaman dulu sangat lain. Dulu dalam classroom boleh nampak meja and kerusi kayu. Nak menulis pun kena guna kapur. Memang classic habis. And tiap tiap minggu kena lap board tu. Kalau tak lap halamatnya berdebu debu la class. Best part pakai chalkboard ni adalah dusternya. Buat baling baling. Bagi ada cop dekat baju member member. Bagi diorg panas hati. Yang selalu jadi mangsa prefect dengan librarian. Sebab mereka adalah golongan berbaju biru dan hijau.
Dulu dalam class pakai kipas biasa. Aircond hanyalah untuk comp lab and library. Time kipas rosak memang huru hara. Panas sangat sangat. Sekolah I dulu extra panas sebab in the middle of the city. Next to jalan yang memang busy 24 hours. I ingat lagi nak belajar sains. Time tu darjah empat. Cikgu masuk class and cakap, "Ok, hari ni kta pergi comp lab. Saya nak tunjuk video." Seronok satu class. Ye la. Bukan senang nak dapat masuk lab tu. Dapat aircond lagi. PC zaman dolu dolu runs on coal ye kawan kawan. Sebab slownya I rasa siput pun laju lagi. Heheh. And guna disket je. Takde pendrive pendrive haa..
Sekarang dah lain. Zaman dah maju. If you go to any school most probably you will see yang each class is equipped with its own projector. Teachers bawak lappy je. And most probably all these classes fully airconditoned. And and dah upgrade dari guna chalk to using markers. So, usage of comp lab in school is reduced. Nevertheless, students pergi juga untuk buat assignment. Huh. Tipu. Tipu. Korang pergi lab if class tu dekat lab. And wajib on muka buku. Tak payah tipu. Sebab I pun buat. :)
Muka buku ni pun satu hal. Nowadays, even kids yang baru 2 3 years old pun dah ada their own account. Memangla parents operated. Tapi perlu ke? Umur tak semenggah mana. Membaca pun belum pandai. Haih. Lagi satu. Ini my sis yang cerita. Kak Intan kata, the other day dia tengah surfing journals untuk her degree. Heh! Surfing la sangat. Alin tahu kakak mesti main Farmville kan? Tak kisah la tu. Dia bagitahu, tengah surfing tu keluar dekat newsfeed pasal class cancel. Guess who post it? Cepat. Cepat. If betul, give yourself a big clap. I bagi hint. It's not who you think. :D It's her lecturer. Gila kan? Nak bagi announcement through muka buku. Nasib ada orang baca. If takde? Kan ke sia sia datang ke class yang kosong.
Nak upgrade lagi. Kalau dulu pakai disket. Later up to pendrive. Mula 256MB. Then 512MB. Then 1GB. Then 2GB. Now up lagi. External hard drives. Yang I tahau ada yang memory up to 1TB. Macam hard drives dalam lappy tak cukup sampai nak kena beli yang lain. Boohoo Alin!Cakap orang. Awak pun nak beli juga kan? *guilty. guilty*
Sebenarnya, I tulis entry ni sebab suddenly teringat my IELTS writing exam. This is the question:
Technology advance has help to improve classroom education and communication. Do you agree or oppose with the statement. Discuss.
I dok fikir. Should I agree. Or should I oppose. At first I was a bit blur. After writing out some points I end up opposing the statement. Why? I know some might say that these technologies we have will help to improve. I do agree with it. In term of the education. Not on the communication part though. I have my valid reasons for this. In my opinion, classroom education should be two way. The teachers give something and the students response. back in the old times. The teacher would actually have to write on the board and then explain to the student. When there's doubt or inquiries about certain information the student then can straight away ask the teacher for clarification.
Nowadays, all the educator do is prepare their teaching material in slides or notes. It's not wrong. It's efficient. But it's the usage of those kind of method I don't agreed upon. I like taking notes. I like asking question. I like listening to the explanation. Though sometimes I fell asleep to it. Hey, blame the caffeine for not working. Nevertheless, I would agree with the statement if there is balance to it.
Oh. Ok la. Kena pergi study. Esok test Law. Huh!