Wednesday, December 28, 2011 0 comments

Degree 177

Off drivers in Perak. Not all. But most of them.

Reckless. Reckless. Freakin' RECKLESS!! I'm used to driving in KL and thought driving in Perak would be less terrifying. I was wrong. Turn out the drivers here are more insane. I have been whining about this for a while. To Kechik most of the time. And have been stopping myself from saying anything as I what I say might hurt few people's feeling.

But I couldn't stand it anymore. Drivers here they turn to corner as they please. They change lane as they wish. If wish you wish to see a blinking light (the signals) you are in a endless hoping. They won't respond to when we beam the lights - that's what I do in KL. I think sounding your honk is rude. And they look at me as if I'm silly for beaming those lights.

I've had an accident before because a car suddenly makes a u turn. I've make an emergency stop because a car couldn't decide which lane he wanted to go. I tell you, driving in Perak is scary. And its not just in the town. But also in the residential area. They really have no manners. Same goes to the motorcycle rider. And that is another different story.

ps: can't wait till the 20th to arrive.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011 0 comments

Degree 176

 Off Final Project.

Monday, December 19, 2011 0 comments

Degree 175

Off QSM551: Measurement of Construction Works IV

To those who didn't know, I am a Quantity Surveyor (QS) in the making. And that subject above is the core subject of my course. Takes 4 credit hours each semester and the most interestingly difficult subject I have ever learned. Why interesting? Because it takes both part of your brain to study this subject. You need to be able to imagine beyond needed and think the most suitable and simplest calculation to achieve what you want. That is the difficult part.

I don't think that many people out there knew what exactly is the task of a QS. Basically, we priced the building. For an example, take a room. Us the QS will need to measure the quantity of all element to build that room. That say, the elements would be, the floor, the ceiling, the roof, the brickwall. Anything, anything that you can see in a typical room. We measured all of it even to the tiniest details. And then we priced. To measure all of these things we are given a drawing. Sometimes not one, but pages of drawing. And it won't be in an A4 size. Never an easy task. A square room would be the easiest job ever. But imagine, weirdly shape building? With different specifications from the client? With hundreds of drawings? Life would be a disaster to measure such building.

This has been said, come to my point of writing. Today, we were given a test by our so beloved THR. We were given a test. To measure out the works needed to construct a basement. The drawings were given three days prior to the test. But its not like that all the time we have need to be spend doing measurement only. The test was supposed to start at 11 and all of us thought since there would be not enough time to finish it, there will be an extension of time.

Boy, are we wrong. THR came into the class at 9 and basically told us that all classes are to be postponed because the lecturers need to be in the hall and we are to submit the test at 12. WTF!!!!!!!!!!!! The previous similar assignment took us 2 weeks to be done and he expects us to finish this one in 3 hours?! He is definitely out of his mind. Nevertheless, a tyrant he is won't see to any reason and we are still to submit the test at 12 still.

On we go with the work then. I don't like doing my work in such a constraint time. Yeah, I know in the finals the exam period is three hours. But, the drawings won't be sloppy and won't be as difficult. And I hate working in small space (exam hall pun sama.bagi table satu je.KEDEKUT!). I need BIG TABLE or TWO SMALL TABLES! *sigh*

I told you right that three hours is not enough? Its true. It took us FIVE HOURS to complete the test. None of us barely raised their head just to finish the taking off. Event with aching fingers and strained neck we keep doing our work. At almost 2 o'clock, I  and few others stop working. We couldn't continue any more further. I send my test without completing few other elements (reinforcement banyak sgt nak measure!) 

To make it worst, we have class at 2.15. Nice. I haven't got my next class notes with me and I haven't perform my Zuhur. Rushed back home to collect my notes. And went to class back. Once that class is done, rushed back home (solat Zuhur!) and then I'm dead. 

Stapling won't do. Green tag is the only solution.

Source: Zaidi

ps: i didn't eat anything or drink anything until this afternoon.
pps: your text made my day. thanks rara : )
ppps: i have this stupid meeting with the new lecturers tonight. what's the point? beats me. 
Sunday, December 18, 2011 2 comments

Degree 174

Off small memories.

Duduk dalam kereta berdua, borak memanglah takkan ingat dunia. Rasa macam jam jam yang ada tak cukup. Rasa macam semua waktu yang dah dikongsi tak cukup. Banyak sangat cerita nak dikongsi. Cerita dari zaman dulu sampailah sekarang. Dari cerita yang sekecil kecilnya sampailah yang ke terbesar.

Semua cerita lekat dalam otak ni sebenarnya tapi kadang kadang kena ada tukang ingatnya. Bukan sengaja lupa tapi saya juga manusia. Lupa itu adalah satu perkara biasa. Maka jangan ambil hati. :)

Haha. Cerita orang tu pasal masa diploma itu bukan sengaja nak lupa. Macam mana nak ingat kalau time event shj kita bercakap lepas tu senyap sunyi? Tak perasan ke cerita cerita orang ni semuanya dengan manusia yang constantly bercakap?

Huuuu~ I don't forget memories I have. I cherish them too much. And if I promise you anything, let me know. Because this brain is a little bit haywire for the past months. :)

ps: i can proudly say that i can still remember my friend's phone number. that's why people call me 'buku telefon bergerak' :P
Saturday, December 17, 2011 0 comments

Degree 173

It hurts even just to think about it.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011 0 comments

Degree 172

Off burning the midnight oil.

Source: Google

Monday, December 12, 2011 0 comments

Degree 171

Off Penang trip.

Nasi Kandar Line Clear

Pasemboq, Padang Kota

Bukit Bendera

Batu Ferringhi Beach

Michael Jackson

Hard Rock Hotel

Nasi Beriyani, Kapitan

Ayam Cheese Nan, Kapitan

Grilled Chicken, Kapitan

Seri Anggerik (A2), KMPP

Football Field, KMPP

Kuey Teow Telur Ayam Dibasuh, Sg.Dua

Thursday, December 8, 2011 1 comments

Degree 170

Off burning the midnight oil.

For a better future.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011 0 comments

Degree 169

Semalam call Ibu.

Petang semalam pergi pasar malam. Tak bawak phone. Bawak duit RM10 sahaja. *berjimat*  Balik rumah tengok ada 3 missed calls. From Ibu. Huh. Cepat2 call balik. Ingat urgent sebab three straight missed calls. So, agak risau disitu. Tapi hakikatnya, Ibu call hanya untuk tanya mana novel Ombak Rindu and nak bagitahu yang dia dah tengok movie tu. -_____- Sabar je ladengan Ibunda sendiri kan.

Semalam borak dengan Ibu agak lama jugaklah. 17hb nanti ada kenduri dekat kampung. Makanya tanya Ibu, kena balik ke. As expected, she says no. Dia kata duduk je Perak. Study. :'( Sedih bila Ibu cakap macam tu. Tapi she knows better. Panjang nasihat dia bagi. Banyak pesanan dia sampaikan. Semua dah tersimpan kemas dalam otak ni.


Sunday, December 4, 2011 1 comments

Degree 168

Off midnight hour.

Whenever the clock strikes 12, I will automatically feels hungry. 
Why? Why? Why? 
Can someone tell me????

Thursday, December 1, 2011 0 comments

Hey Kechik :)

For the time I have known you, you have been a one constant person who manage to crack a smile on my face. You have been my partner in crime, in joy and even in sadness. Though the time may not be long but we sure have gone through a lot. I love you. And I hope the friendship we have last forever.

Happy 21st Birthday.
Many Happy Returns.

