Its finals of finals.
Yesterday morning I've taken my last paper for me to complete my diploma.
That would mean that I'm about to leave this place.
I'm happy about it.
But not as much as I enjoyed it before.
The end of that paper marks the beginning of my time spending with him.
I'm leaving for KL this morning.
As the departing time grew nearer, it is decided that we should spent our few last moment together.
I felt weird.
Never in my life I'm like this before.
Those who knows me often ask me to be more lady like.
But the truth is I just can't.
Why should I change just for people to accept me.
I'm glad when he told me that he accepts me the way I am now.
Yeah. All we do is cruise the road.
There's nothing much can be done here.
No place just to hang out.
Plus I'm so tired that I keep yawning.
I think I even felt asleep while he is talking to me.
Sorry dear? ♥
Even so, I hope that last night will make up this coming separation.
I know that I'm going to take it one step a day to override the suffer.
I have no idea how I'm going to survive.
But I'm going to try.
I'll remember all your words.
And I'm going to miss you. Very much.
That I can promise.
Till then,
Love you.