Friday, December 31, 2010 2 comments

End 63

We aren’t the typical couple.
Keep on reading and please understand.

It’s hard to put in words but that’s just the way we are. We started out as strangers. Gradually, we became friends. We confide in each other. As the time fleet, we become closer. Closer friend. Eventually, we came to what we are right now.

Here’s the reason why we ain’t like others. In our story, friendship comes first. And I’m not sure when the feelings develop. Ask him when, and you will get the same answer. We don’t know. :)

Throughout the time of our friendship we shared many things. We tell stories. We share experiences. We learned about each other. What we like. What we don’t. All the 5W and 1H are discovered.

The 5W’s:

The 1H’s:

You see, we discovered a lot during that period of time. Things that we have in common and things we don’t. Thus, we don’t do what normally are done. Not that we are not normal. We are, just with a tad bit of craziness.

For my part, I’m still learning on how relationship works. I’ve heard too many stories. I’ve seen too many dramas. I’m trying with my very best not to be like that. I want to make mine last long. Pray for me that it will.

Till then,

p/s: zaf. aku tulis ni utk kau. tak sudah2 mintak gmbr. haha. :)

Thursday, December 30, 2010 2 comments


Today is an amazing day I’ve ever had.

After almost two months long of separation, I finally get to meet my love one. :) I was nervous and excited. Yes, we talked every day. We text all the time. But it is not the same as meeting eye to eye. I waited for him in my favourite place, Kinokuniya.

We watched movie. We ate lunch. We talked. We hang out. We walked. Talk some more. It seems like a lifetime catch up moment :P. To make it more memorable, I get my IELTS result today. I took him to British Council and he was there to enjoy my good results.

I couldn’t be more happier. And tomorrow is gonna be another amazing day. I am so looking forward for it.
Monday, December 27, 2010 0 comments

End 62

Thanks Aunty and Uncle Dearest.
Yours truly ♥

After 1

After 2

The Organizer

The girls :)

It was fun all the way through to the evening.
Age doesn’t limit us to have lots of fun in the water.
It just makes it more interesting.
Will arrange for more event next time.
Thanks all.
Saturday, December 25, 2010 0 comments

End 61

This week gonna be a sweet one for me.
I can’t wait for Thursday and Friday to arrive.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010 0 comments

End 60

I was told about this many times.

We’ve learned English for more than a decade. Yet, sometimes the simplest mistakes still happens. For an example, its brain dead, not brain death. How could you not know. Don’t you watch tv at all? You claim your favourite tv show is Greys Anatomy. LIAR!!! If you are a fan, then you would not make this error. Stupid~

That’s not all. Cool drinks instead of cold drinks. Urgh! Where all your education did goes? I may not be very good at English but at the very least I know how to differentiate those two things.


I’m feeling sorry for all the English teachers out there. I know how hard you work to teach us. Thank you. ♥


End 59

I am tired of being the understanding one. Stop treating me like everything you do is ok. I do have feelings. I can get hurt. Can’t you see it? Please stop dumping your problems on me. I’ve got problems on my own. And you never seem to care about that. So, why should I care about yours? It’s fair. And you know it. So, back off!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010 0 comments

End 58 : Them. Memory served. ♥

Sunday, December 19, 2010 1 comments

End 57

The Fast and The Furious 5: April 2011
Pirates of The Caribbean 4: May 2011
Captain America: May 2011
Thor: July 2011
The Avengers: July 2011.

Tuesday, 21st December 2010
Tron : The Legacy
Venue : IOI Mall
Time : 8.30 p.m

It was a great movie.
The actions and effects are superb.
I wish I'm in that kind of world.
Minus the bad part of course.
All in all, it's worth my money for.
And, I'm gonna watch it again.

P/s: This is an entry made because of my two dearest neighbours. :)

End 56

Counting days.

The end of the holiday is almost here. It’s just around the corner. And I am swamped with work. Yes, I am currently an employee at Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional @ PTPTN. It’s a part time job. And the pays are good and enough for me to enjoy myself.

Last night I got to spend my time with few of my close friend. Super fun. As usual, Fifi will be the targeted person. But this time Haq was also included. Haha. Sorry. It’s my bad. Even so, we hang out. We talked. We laughed. Just like everytime we met. Im gonna miss this time big time when I’m in Perak.

And also yesterday I’ve sat for my IELTS. The listening was a chaos. The reading is not doing so good. And the writing is just fine. The speaking? I don’t want to talk about it. It’s a disaster. But I think I did quite well. Let’s hope for the best result will be in for me. Can’t wait for this 31st December 2010.

I’ve got my house in Perak already. I was told it’s empty. We’re late in looking for house to stay. All the good ones are already taken. But I guess it will do for this one semester. The next coming semester we’ll get the best house that is available :D.

Oh. Oh. My dearest one is coming to town. I thing he will. That’s what he told me. I hope he will. I haven’t see him for a loooooooooooooooonnnngggg time. Rindu tau! :P. Datang cepat sikit. ♥

Today, I’m going to settle all matter related to my studies. It’s not much but today is the only day that I am free. Starting from next week, it will be a busy time.

I can't write as often as I want anymore.
Thursday, December 16, 2010 0 comments

End 55

I’ve accepted the fact that I’m going to continue my study in Perak.

And dear,
Maybe it is not meant to be for us to be in one same place.
But let it not grew us apart.

Love you Mr. Boyfriend. ♥

Monday, December 13, 2010 0 comments

End 54

To travel is better than to arrive. People used to think there's only one path to take to where you want to get to be in life. But if you choose that one path, it doesn't mean you have to abandon all the other ones. I realize that it's actually what happens along the way that counts. The stumbles and the falls and the friendship. It’s the journey, not the destination. You just have to trust the future will work itself out like it's supposed to.
Sunday, December 12, 2010 1 comments

End 53

I surf my facebook. I laugh all the way. :)

The poking.
The dropping ‘inviting’ comments.
The ‘dangerous’ response.
The ‘senget’ thing.
The ‘merajuk’ mood.
The status changing.
The missing others.

It’s a fun holiday until this very second.
I’m glad I have them in my life.

Tribute to:

Nura Deeana
Nura Shariza
Haziera Razali
Eybie Zafirah
Izzati Amran
N Haq Andhar
Shahman Mutalib
Ramzul Alam
Bob Iqbal
Mohd Syahmee
Nik Ahmad Fikri

And many others.
My life would not be the same without them.

Million thanks to all of YOU~ ♥

Saturday, December 11, 2010 0 comments

End 52

I love the way you are what I'm not.
I love the way we fit together.
I love the end of every day with you.
For worse or for better.
I love loving you.


When I looked into the past and I smile. Thank you.

Friday, December 10, 2010 0 comments

End 51

Perkara hati.


Saya pujuk diri sendiri.


End 50

Alhamdulillah. I’ve passed my finals. Not with flying colours I might add. Still I’m happy with it. I can’t hope for more than what I’ve poured in during my study, right? Even so, it is not joy all around. I’m rooting for my friends to get a better result. :)
Monday, December 6, 2010 0 comments

Don't Leave Me Alone (UNICEF Child Abuse PSA)


End 49

Lady Antebellum - If I Knew Then .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine

End 48

Blood Pressure: 113/78
Hemoglobin: 13.1
Weight: Not Available :P
Blood Type: A

I was nervous to donate my blood today. Because the last time I want to donate my blood, I couldn’t. First, it’s my weight. Then it’s my blood hemoglobin. Apparently at that time, I was under lots of pressure and don’t have enough vitamins in my body. When I arrived at Pusat Darah Negara I was greeted warmly by the receptionist. As usual there is form need to be filled. Then I hop on the weight scale to get my weight. Fuh! The number is shocking. But its enough for me to go through with the donation. After a few minutes of waiting, I was called into the doctor’s room.

Guess what? My blood pressure is low. She asked me whether I’ve had anything to eat today. Sure I have. There’s no way I’m going to donate my blood with an empty stomach. Yet, the Nasi Lemak and one big glass of Milo is not enough. So I went to the cafeteria and told the nurse I need something for to increase the pressure. Again I eat. This time it’s two sardine sandwiches and a cup of Milo.

15 minutes later, I went back to the doctor's room. After she signed my paper, I went to the donation room. The nurses are friendly. Everyone keeps asking me if I wanted anything. Do you know that there are very few people of our age (18 – 25 years old) who donate their blood? The nurses told me that the volunteers are usually people over 30++. Sure enough, I looked around the room and I was the youngest volunteer. What a sad thing.

Dear friends, go donate your blood. It’s a nice thing to do.

Back to me donating blood. As I sat there waiting for the process to end, come this one guy. He brought along with him a thick file. He put it on a bed and tell the nurse he wanted to the toilet first. He left his file there. Then the nurses starts to go through the file. And I thought, what a rude nurse. Going through other people stuff. So I asked the nurse whose taking off the needle from my arm of what they were doing. And she told me.

Apparently, that guy is donating blood plasma instead of plain blood. This type of blood is usually use for people who has severe burns, major accident and sometimes during operation when there is blood complication. Very cool! I asked the nurse if I can do the same thing. She told me I can. Because I’ve donated blood more than 3 times. But, here’s the catch. I need to be more than 55kg to be able to do it. Hahaha! Not gonna happen then. I’m gonna stick to donating blood only. 55kg is way way too heavy for me. :)

After I was done, I went to the guy and said good luck to him. We talked a little bit. He asked me to stay and accompany him because plasma donation takes longer time. But as much as I would love to stay, I have to go back. Because I told Ibu and Ayah I will only be gone for a while. Even so, I’ve made a promise him that the next time his gonna donate, I will be there. When? I’m not gonna tell.

Till then,
See you again in three months time. :D
Sunday, December 5, 2010 1 comments

End 47

1) Fine
This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.

2) Five Minutes
If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.

3) Nothing
This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine.

4) Go Ahead
This is a dare, not permission. Don’t Do It!

5) Loud Sigh
This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. 

6) That’s Okay
This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man. That’s okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.

7) Thanks
A woman is thanking you, do not question, or faint. Just say you’re welcome. (I want to add in a clause here – This is true, unless she says ‘Thanks a lot’ – that is PURE sarcasm and she is not thanking you at all. DO NOT say ‘you’re welcome’. That will bring on a ‘whatever’).

8) Whatever
Is a woman’s way of saying F– YOU!

9) Don’t worry about it, I got it
Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking ‘What’s wrong?’

Cheers! ^^
Saturday, December 4, 2010 0 comments

End 46

It’s an expensive future. Do I have what it take to fulfill my parents wish? Yes, Ayah said money can be found anywhere. But its way too much. What’s with other expenses some more?

I’m worried.

End 45

I want to tell you that... I appreciate you more than you know.

I may not get to see you as often as I like,
I may not get to hold you in my arms all through the night,
But deep in my heart I truly know,
You're the one I love,
And I can't let you go.


End 44

The upside down body system.

Huh! Saya tak boleh bangun lambat. Pelik. Pelik. Last night try tidur lambat. Around 4 la jugak. Tapi pukul 8 je mata dah terbukak. Not because Botak called. Before dia call lagi dah tersedar. Jealous betul dengan certain of my friends yang boleh tidur sampai tengah hari. Bukan la nak sangat bangun lambat tu. Tapi before ni boleh je. Walau tak selewat mana tapi kurang2 pukul 10 ke. Bukan apa. Bila bangun pagi, by the time sampai tengah hari dah tak tahu nak buat. Tahu kenapa?

Haaa! Sebab saya adalah seorang anak dara yang sangat rajin. *siapa lag ink puji kalau bukan diri sendiri?*  :) Every day chores saya consist of doing the dishes, made the bed, basuh baju and jemur. Around 10 in the morning semua kerja tu dah settle. Habis nak buat apa lagi? Adalah at times kena basuh bilik air. Vacuum and mop rumah. Tapi itu semua bukan tiap2 hari. if buat juga, berkilatlah rumah kita! :D Apart from itu semua, online juga adalah satu kemestian. Heh! Online all the time pun bosan juga ok?

And at times if ada mood, I wirte in my blog. Macam sekaranglah! Weee~ Tapi. Tapi. Bukan lama mana pun la menulis tu. Sekejap sangat. Tak makan banyak masa. Bosannya la nk tunggu samapi ke tengah hari. =.=’ Tapi around this time dah tak bosan sangat dah. Sebab En.Boyfriend dah bangun. Yeay! ^^. Oh, dia ini one the people yang saya dengki. Selagi matahari tak tegak atas kepala memang dia takkan bangun. Tak tahu la apa dia buat malam2 kan. If main futsal, faham jugak la penat.

Tapi kalau setakat keluar minum, penat jugak ke dear? :P Jangan marah ye. Hoho. Oh, from noon onwards my time is filled with chatting and downloading movies. Chatting dengan Zaf. Dengan En.Boyfriend. Dengan Haq. Dengan Ramzul. Dengan Wawa. Haa.. Senang kata dengan Geng 21. Merekalah pengisi masa lapang saya yang berjaya. And lately I have a new thing to do. Study. Untuk IELTS. Tak menarik betul. Asal bukak je buku tu, mata ngantuk. Hampeh benar la kan. Bila dah ngantuk memang tak diteruskan la study tu. Tapi tak boleh tidur. Sebab ada orang ajar saya yang tidur petang ni tak elok. Maka, saya merapu la lagi.

Kadang2 bagi ikan makan. Kacau Mr.Bugger. Letak dia atas kereta. Atas lantai. Kadang2 bagi dia makan sayur. Mr. Bugger is a tortoise. Oh. Oh. Sebut pasal animals. Belakang rumah kita ada kittens yang sangat comel. For those yang tidak tahu, I’m a cat lover ok. I used to have cats around the house but they died already. No point of telling why, when and how. Buat sedih je. Back to the story.

Kehidupan petang saya semakin ceria la jugak. Semalam kidnap one of the kitten tu naik atas. Nak tunjuk dekat En.Boyfriend. Tapi kucing tu nakal sangat. Kena letak balik dekat belakang. Tak kesah la. Janji dia cute. Lalalala~ All in all, hidup saya sekarang sangat tunggang langgang. Bye!

The chaotic mind rumbles.

p/s: Petang ini nak lepak dengan Botak. Seronok. Rindu!

End 43

And suddenly I can’t take the loneliness anymore.


And I realized things are not as easy as it seems to be.
Friday, December 3, 2010 1 comments

End 42

Four things that can never be recovered:
The stone after it's thrown;
The word after it's spoken,
The occasion after it's missed,
And the time after it's gone.


End 41 : Random


End 40

Preparation towards a better future is taking another step.
Fulfilling her parents’ wish and hope.
It’s not gonna be easy.
But she will try to make her very best.
Pray for her success.
Thursday, December 2, 2010 0 comments

End 39

My life is unstable.

Reminiscing the old times is not good for my health or my sanity. I’m having roller coaster of emotional today. And when the past starts to haunt? The roller coaster goes faster in twisted way. I have gotten myself a message few hours back.

A message that I felt honoured to be the recipient. Grateful to have a friend who takes me in such ways. But I read it with no feelings. None at all. Why? Because I’m badly hurt. Even with all the happiness around me. You make me cry. And I don’t cry often. You know if I cry then it’s bad.

The trouble you had. The tears you shed.

I was there for you. You come looking for me. But when you’re happy? Where do I stand? At the bottom of your list I supposed. It’s hard for me to live without my best friend. It’s hard for me that I have no one to share my worries. You know that I don’t like being like this. But you kept pushing me towards it.

Yes. I’m not your girlfriend. I have no rights or whatsoever over you. But what happen to your promise that nothing will change? You did change. Changes that I don’t even know how to adapt. I have no idea why. Maybe your girlfriend say something. Or maybe it’s my fault. Who knows? yet, I’m not going to try and find it out because I’m done babe.


I hope that whatever reason it is you’re doing this to me better be worth it. And please don’t say that I’m at the highest level in your life. It’s a lie and you know it.

Till then,
Take care.
