Friday, December 31, 2010

End 63

We aren’t the typical couple.
Keep on reading and please understand.

It’s hard to put in words but that’s just the way we are. We started out as strangers. Gradually, we became friends. We confide in each other. As the time fleet, we become closer. Closer friend. Eventually, we came to what we are right now.

Here’s the reason why we ain’t like others. In our story, friendship comes first. And I’m not sure when the feelings develop. Ask him when, and you will get the same answer. We don’t know. :)

Throughout the time of our friendship we shared many things. We tell stories. We share experiences. We learned about each other. What we like. What we don’t. All the 5W and 1H are discovered.

The 5W’s:

The 1H’s:

You see, we discovered a lot during that period of time. Things that we have in common and things we don’t. Thus, we don’t do what normally are done. Not that we are not normal. We are, just with a tad bit of craziness.

For my part, I’m still learning on how relationship works. I’ve heard too many stories. I’ve seen too many dramas. I’m trying with my very best not to be like that. I want to make mine last long. Pray for me that it will.

Till then,

p/s: zaf. aku tulis ni utk kau. tak sudah2 mintak gmbr. haha. :)



[CoRn_HeLiuS] said...

haha tak kira nak jugak gambar! :p

Azlin Azman said...

aiseh. sengal la budak nih. tengoklah macam mana!
