Sorry seems to be the hardest word.
Okay. Ayat itu tiada kaitan dengan entry yang bakal ditulis ini. Let's begin this story from the last post. That day I skipped class due to excessive laziness and boredom. Eh, boleh pulak kan sebab tu skip class. Eh, boleh pulak tetiba kau taip dalam bahasa melayu. Hahaha. But that day was also a dark day for me. For us. :( My housemate's grandmother passed away. So, us being the concern friend followed her to the funeral. We went there straight after our last class. But, we can't stay long because of the replacement class that took place that night. We rush everything that day. And when finally we were able to catch our breath it was almost midnight. Time to rest.
The coming days we filled with lessons and assignments and and also preparation for our dinner. The preparation was so fun. And the theme makes it more challenging. We have to be colourful for our night. But eventually we managed to find all the accessories we need. *sigh of relief* Oh, oh before I lupa. On Friday I prepared spaghetti for my housemates. Super fun! Sambil sambil masak tu yang lain kemas kemas rumah. Rutin yang memang kami buat tiap kali datang hari Jumaat. Spaghetti sedap!
Saturday, the day we all have been KINDA waiting for. Sebab pagi ada Family Day. And malamnya ada dinner. Maka jika pergi ke Family Day, kegelapan kulit sudah pasti. Bila kulit gelap nak make up untuk dinner mesti susah. Hadoi! Tapi still even dengan hati yang berat kami pergi juga. Turn out kami adalah orang yang PALING AWAL! Pada hal kitorg dah gerak lambat habis dari rumah. Tapi biasalah, when rules are not enforce people won't care. Apparently, our beloved mentor tidak ada hari itu. En.Mohmad kena attend kursus dekat Taiping. Sebab tu kot games yang kitorg main takde yang menang. Hahaha! :D Apart from that, my classmates open up a booth selling variety of foods. They did very well. Congrats guys and gals! Proud of you.
Eh, eh. *peace* |
Wondergirls! |
Then come the time for our anticipated dinner. Anticipated ke? Dunno. I don't asked other. Well, that night was the night where we get to play dress up as much as we like. Looking nice is always a girls' favourite. Who can deny us the right to look beautiful? Starting around 6.00 pm we began our journey. Everyone bustled around the house. Some ironed their clothes. Some search for their lost accessories. Some were going through the cupboard looking for something to be add on to the outfit. Terasa macam sangat meriah rumah time tu. As for me, I dah duduk dekat table with my make up. Kena sembunyikan segala jerawat and parut dekat muka. Hahaha! :S During dinner I dapat duduk dengan my housemates terchenta and few other classmates. I rasa my table was the loudest out of all. Kitorg gelak at every single thing. Tak tahu kenapa. And there always someone who seems to be making jokes. Nasib baik duduk bawah kipas. If tak memang cair make up tebal I. @____@
Throughout the dinner byk nampak cute people. Eh, cute dress. Eh, salah. Cute people! Tapi one of the downside malam dinner tu is kitorg tak dapat makan sate. Bayar equal dgn orang lain tapi makan tak sama. Tak faham kenapa. And tak nak tahu kenapa. Perfomances time dinner pun best. Especially yang budak2 degree ni buat. Kelakar sangat ok! Dah hbs2 semua tu, tibalah saat yang dinantikan. Camwhoring session! *walaupun sbnrnya dari mula smpi ke hbs dinner camera tak berhenti snap gmbr* Excited wo! Semua orang nk show off baju masing masing. Kami bergambar tak igt dunia sampai ke tengah malam. And sampai ke rumah pun bergambar lagi. Bila dah nmpk pak cik guard semua pun macam okay okay cepat blah. Nanti kena saman. ^____^
House No.16 |
AP224 :) |
That would be the end of my Saturday.
Moving on to Sunday.
I woke up to the feeling of sore all over my body. Huargh!!! Tak gemar sungguh. Then transfer2 gambar dinner to lappy. Haaa. Time ni la. Time ni lah saya yang cerdik lagi pandai dah delete folder yang ada SEMUA benda dalamnya. Dari gambar ke documents. Hilang semua. Dah cari dengan macam macam cara. And yes dah tgk recycle bin. If dalam tu ada, I wouldn't be in the state I am today. Tak percaya? Tanya kechik. Tanya housemates.
Tapi dalam keserabutan folder hilang tu, housemates kita jadi sgt sweet! Diorg buat surprise untuk kita. Mula mula Piqa aka Nek Somel bgtahu kereta dia rosak. Mintak tolong tgk. So, kita pun pergilah. Sampai sana tanya tanya kenapa kereta rosak. Azma aka Bawang siap cakap lagi pasal aircond kot. Hahaha. Itu kelakar. Sbb aircond kereta tak boleh start. Then tetiba Zaf aka Anak Gajah bawak keluar cake. Alalala. Baik sgt diorg ni. Intan aka Satay pun ada jugak time. Then kitorg pun lepak tepi tasik sambil makan cake. Habis makan cake konon diorg nk jalan2 tepi tasik tu. KONON2 je la. Walaupun hakikat sbnrnya mereka ada tepung dan belon air yang nk dibaling. PERANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lawak habis. Second time makan tepung. Sedap. Muka pun dah ada bedak sejuk semula jadi. Habis main kitorang balik. And before balik tu I singgah gas station nak isi minyak Orang dekat kaunter tu gelak je tgk badan bertepung sana sini. I siap cakap dekat dia jgn ckp apa2 before dia bukak mulut lagi.
Fuh. Sampai rumah terus mandi. Kena rendam baju seluar jeans bertepung tu. If tak buat cepat2 lekat forever la. Okay, I cerita sampai sini je sbb lepas tu takde apa yg menarik dah yang berlaku.
Korang tahu kan aku sayang korang?
I think that would be all. Good day everyone!
ps: all my files are thankfully recovered. Alhamdulillah. :D