Of Jue and Kak Ayuz solemnization. :)
Today, I walked out the door and it was raining cats and dog. I brave through the heavy rain. Time is running out. Its 7.15 am already. I am supposed to be there at 8 o'clock. I don't think I can make it. Drive as fast as I could on the slippery road, praying (and texting) that I will arrive on time. Alhamdulillah, I did. :)
It was simple. It was supposed to be a family only event. Somehow, I was invited too. I blend in with them. Wearing the same theme colour, I feel less odd and awkward. Eventually, the ceremony begins. Everybody keeps silence. And focus on the altar. Tok Kadi begins his tazkirah and we all listen carefully. What touches me at this time was, I was sitting quite far from Kechik and her family. Kechik busy with camera whereas her mother and sisters sit in front of the hantaran, in line with altar. Suddenly, one of the sister turns around and signal me to come closer. She said, "family mana boleh duduk jauh2". :')
As Jue completed the solemnization in one try, I saw the tears that flows through their eyes. It was a moment that one can't explained. You have to experienced it yourself. I hugged them and wished them congratulations. The story didn't end here. The newlyweds is going for a photoshoot and the groom's siblings tag along. And yes, I am included in there. I am so apart from the blessed occasion that I was asked to be in the pictures. I was embarrassed at first. I'm neither their siblings nor their cousin but still asked to join such affair.
The camwhoring lasted for two hours. Exhausting but fun nevertheless. Then I was invited to the place their staying. Kechik's mother keep asking me to eat. I have no idea why. -.- And later on we head on to Jue's place. Left her there with the promise I'll be back tomorrow.
As for you who invites me, I am very much grateful for it. Much love!
Happy feet :DD |