Friday, January 28, 2011 0 comments

Degree 20

At home.

Disappointed. Tired. Headache.

Mahu tidur. :D
Saturday, January 22, 2011 2 comments

Degree 19

I look at the sky, it looks back at me.
I can't hear the silent melodies.
I know that I'm here yet I am lost.
Blown in confusion by the breeze.
Hiding my face, crying alone.
I need to find my way back home.
Back to the place, to the wonderful days.
Living the life I used to know.
Thursday, January 20, 2011 0 comments

Degree 18

Lisa Surihani

Humble and Talented.
I adore very much.

Degree 17

The Cake : Delivered by Ramzul.

Baked by: Syira :)

Distance will never come in between.

p/s: There is also a video I made for him. But it is not open for public. ;D

Wednesday, January 19, 2011 1 comments

Degree 16 : Neighbour

Yes. Cik Sarah. This entry is for you.

First of all, I want to say that I'm sorry that you are given such heavy test at this time of your life. I know how much you enjoy it. And I know how much you wish it will last. But there's ups and downs in everything we do. Take this as a challenge that you need to overcome. Be brave. Be strong. Because the girl I know will never give up. Stand tough!

Okay. Enough with the pep talk. Here comes the nagging.

Heeee!!! Tahu tak time dapat message tu terhenti segala perbuatan? Tgh jalan pergi class kot. Awak ni la kan. suka buat orang risau tak tentu pasal. Blh tak jaga diri tu elok2? Haih. Kalau I ada dekat situ dah lama dah kena cubit tahu. Tak reti lagi duduk diam.

Lepas ni nk buat apa2 fikir bukan dua kali tapi berjuta kali. Kaki tu tak baik mana lagi dah nk berjalan sana sini. Aktif, aktif juga. Diri sendiri kena sayang tau. Ish. Ish. Tunggu I balik. And sila prepare telinga time tu. Banyak lagi nak bebel nih. Haiyak!!

Cukup dulu sampai sini. Later I nag u lagi.

Take care. :)

Degree 15

Today is your day.

Happy Birthday. 
Many happy returns. 
Hope your day today will be the best ever and full of joy.


Everyday is a new day. 
New journey, so lead it with focus, pride and dignity.
May Allah bless every step and every decision you make.

Alin. :)
Sunday, January 16, 2011 0 comments

Degree 14

Ever missing moment.

Courtesy of: Ramzul Alam
Saturday, January 15, 2011 0 comments

Degree 13

Old question.
New answer.

How does it feel to be in love?

Miserably great. Get it?


When you're apart after being together for a short while.
Not able to see each other as often as you wish to.
That would mean long distance relationship or else known as LDR.
The hardest part for is when you're not that far yet distance still proves to be an obstacle.


When you get to see him after being apart.
Able to spent time alone with him without interruption.
When you get to look at his eyes.
Hold his hands.
Hear the words that you often hear through the phone live.


Words can't describe how I feeling.
But I can only sum it to that:

I am on  cloud floating through rainbows with drops of glitter.
And for that,
I thank you.

Love you to bits and pieces. <3

Degree 12 : Broken


Weekend mesti keluar. Let it be because of  FYP or anything related to studies. Tapi memang weekend kaki ni tak lama ada dekat bilik. Movie. Karaoke. Beach. McD's. Mesti ada somewhere to go and hang out. Suffice to say, my weekend is not like what a final year student should have. Assignment berlambak2 pun kaki ni juah jugak melangkah. Nak buat macam mana. dapat kawan2 yang memang tak reti duduk diam. Nak berjalan je kerja. Plus, masing2 ada kereta sendiri. Haaa.. Memang makin jauh la langkah berjalan. Ayah ibu pun tak boleh nak buat apa. :P

Itu baru time final sem. Those habits continues even after finals end. Tapi beza sikit je. Instead of keluar dengan kawan-kawan, kita keluar dengan family pulak. Keluar bowling. Keluar fishing. Tolong ibu decorate rumah. Tolong ayah basuh kereta. Gardening. Pendek kata, memang hujung minggu je ada aktiviti nak buat. 

It goes on until a week after new semester starts. That is last week. Full and busy weekend. Heh. Korang boleh baca dekat post yang bawah tu. I was hoping that those will last for the coming weekends. But, I am wrong.


Weekend dah berubah. Sebab kawan2 kaki jalan semua dah jauh. Tak jauh mana pun. It's only 3 hours of journey. Tapi itulah somehow mereka rasa jauh. And they keep asking me to go there instead of them coming here. Boleh memang boleh. Tapi bila fikir balik. The cost for them to come here is less than the cost me going there. Travel in groups tak perlu keluar duit yang banyak.

Nevertheless, my weekend it seems going to consist a lot of gray colour. Dull and pointless. Apa nak buat. Those who promise to come will never deliver their promise. Words are just words. Promises remains. Sad. But I'm learning to deal with it.

Oh. Before lupa, I'm planning something for Mr.Boyfie. But to think back, I'm gonna cancel it. No fair for me to do it twice when none of you have done it once. 

Guys, I'm sorry. I'm hurt and disappointed by all of you. 

Perak < --- > Shah Alam < --- > Perak 

Its not gonna happen.

p/s: En.Zul lost my phone number. Oh, I'm pissed!

Friday, January 14, 2011 0 comments

Degree 11

Mental block.
Thursday, January 13, 2011 0 comments

Degree 10


It would be nice to have it once in a while. It doesn't matter from who. Or from where. Because for me surprises comes when there is someone who wants to show you appreciation or even just that he/she remembers you.

I don't have that many kind of surprises in my life. But I've given to others a lot. To see their faces. The smiles. The tears. To receive the hugs. To receive the kisses. It was worth it. :)

So, do it. At least once and you will see what I meant. You surprises would be priceless for them to repay.

p/s: Degree 9 is still under construction.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011 0 comments

Degree 8


Ramzul says it's more fun. More secure. Hence, I signed myself up today. Still trying to get the hang of it. Oh, I'm not good with all this kind of application.

Plus, I don't have easy internet access. Damn. Can't wait for my new phone.

BlackBerry 9780

Oh. Come soon please!
Sunday, January 9, 2011 1 comments

Degree 7

Perkara hati dan perasaan.

Kadan-kadang untuk bercerita bukan satu perkara yang senang. Orang selalu kata, kalau ada masalah kongsi dengan seseorang. InsyaAllah masalah akan jadi lebih ringan. But I don't think the concept apply to all. Contohnya, orang mcam saya.

Oh. I am someone who really don't know how to share her problems. Tapi ini dulu. Sekarang dah boleh. Itupun sikit sangat. At times, I prefer to keep the problems to myself. I tahu its unhealthy tapi nak buat macam mana? I memang tak pandai nak bercerita.

Selalu kena marah dengan kawan-kawan sebab nak moody sorang2. Bukan sengaja. Tapi dah memang sifat I tak suka menyusahkan orang lain. Kalu dah berat sangat masalah tu baru cari orang nak bercerita. 

And people yang selalu jadi mangsa adalah:
  1. Ramzul
  2. Iera
  3. Fahmi
My shoulder to cry on yang latest sikit:
  1. Wawa
  2. Zaf
  3. Haq
Tapi yang constant sekarang surelylah En.Shahman kan. Memang apa-apa cerita dengan dia. And yang best dia boleh sense if I ada masalah. Hebat betul En.Boyfie I ni. :)

Anyhow, sekarang kepala tengah kusut sangat-sangat. To make it worst, this is one thing that I coludn't share with anyone. Not even him. It's not actually a problem. It's my action actually. Huh. Sakit jiwa fikir benda ni. Tapi. Tapi, I akan try to forget it. Just like I always do. Pray for it! :P
Saturday, January 8, 2011 1 comments

Degree 6

Two posts in a day.

I need to get it off my chest.

Yesterday, on my way to Shah Alam I've done something I really shouldn't do. And I am still regretting my action till this very moment. I don't know how can I be so stupid and make that kind of decision. I couldn't sleep soundly because of it. -__-

I need help. I really do. I need someone to teach me to say no.

That's not all. I need someone to teach me to be selfish. I'm tired of always being someone else's shoulder. Oh. I do have a shoulder to lean on. In fact, its not one but quite a few. But as for now, I am off limit to your problems. Your mess doesn't concern me.

I am not going to dictate your life. You are a grown up. So act like one. 

p/s: I miss my buddies.

Degree 5

Shah Alam. 07.01.2011 :)

Great fun though to get here takes a long journey. Tired. But it was worth it.

Sampai je KTM Batu 3, Mr.Boyfie and the geng datang jemput. Dah roger Wawa and Iera. Nk pick up diorg pergi rumah Ramzul. Tapi disebabkan naik Mini Cooper, kena hantar the geng balik rumah dulu. Eh, takdelah besar mana pun rumah 2 tingkat dekat Shah Alam ni. Besar lagi yang dekat Seri Iskandar. :)

Dah drop the geng tu, gerak pergi ambil Wawa dgn Iera. Excited betul. Lama tak jumpa minah dua orang. Hoho. Banyak cerita. Walau tengah penat pun still happy sebab anak Pak Cik Mutalib dgn anak Pak Cik Ahmad cakap merapu yang buat saya gembira!

Gerak pergi rumah Ramzul. Dia ajak swimming. Haih. Takde outfit nk tukar nk join mandi tu. Next time. Next time. Lapar. Maka, sementara tunggu mereka habis bermandi-manda, saya ke Secret Recipe's. Hebatkan? Lapar pergi makan kek. White Choc Macademia with Ice lemon Tea. Heaven~

Then, later to kena drop dkt Jusco Bukit Raja. Solat and fresh up sikit. Nk pergi dinner. Mana cukup makan kek shj. :P And macam biasa, bila nk gerak ramai2 mcm2 la masalah. Lambat semua!! Tak suka. Tak suka.

Aha. Abaikan je tu. Dekat kedai makan, environment happy betul. Borak and gelak ketawa. Rindu dengan suasana ni. Dekat Perak tak dapat. :( Dah hbs makan, balik Kolej Mawar. Dh lambat sgt nk balik rumah. Tidur bilik Iera dulu. ><

As usual, when girls meet girls, memang lambat la kami tidur. Sampai dah dalam selimut pun borak lagi. Seronok sangat. :D Soon semua tidur sebab nak bangun awal. Semangat nk buat student card.

Shah Alam. 08.01.2011 :)

Today saya ikut mereka pergi buat matrix card. Mereka as in Fa'in and Iera. Dekat hall tempat tangkap gambar tu jumpa mereka yang lain2. It was  nice. Bising sekejap. Macam tak jumpa bertahun. Pada hal baru berapa bulan je.

At first, ingat akan ambil masa yang lama semua2 tu. When actually all you have to do is line according to the chairs provided, get your picture taken, check whether its ok or not and that's it. We wake up super early nak avoid ramai orang. -_-' To prove it, Mr.Boyfie takes only half an hour  nk settle all those things. 

Before gerak hall pagi tu dah salam Wawa siap2 sbb dah tahu takkan jumpa for a while. Huu. Sedih2. Teman gelak ketawa suka ria takde. And after Mr.Boyfie dah settle dia dtg ambik dekat kolej mawar. Oh. Oh. Salam Iera. Salam Fa'in. Salam Azizah. Haish. Terasa sedih lagi. Tapi takpe. Dah pesan dekat Iera awal2 suruh ibu dia bwk toto. Sbb lepas ni Shah Alam memang akan jadi transit selalu. :)

Mr.Boyfie promise semalam nk hantar balik rumah. Seronok. Seronok. Dapat jugak nk berdua dengan dia. Even sekejap. Haha. Semalam banyak sangat penonton. Tapi before balik singgah Curve. Again. Meatballs. Again. Chicken Wings. Again. Movie. Again. :) Dah macam routine. Reason pergi Curve sebab my neighbour nk jumpa En.Boyfie. And dia invite saya balik dengan dia. 

I accept the invitation so that Shahman only has to go half way. But eventually after the movie he decided to send me home himself. Bukan senang nk jumpa. Ini pun nasib je nk pergi Shah Alam. After ni turn dia pula pergi Perak.

p/s: Iera, ingatkan dia ye!

And now I'm at home. Terasa macam last week punya moment repeat itself again. Ada sikit shj twist. Esok jumpa dia lagi. And I think that's it for the day. Penat. Ngantuk.

But, I am blisfully happy. ♥

p/p/s: Terpanjang pulak entry ni. Sorryla ye!
Monday, January 3, 2011 0 comments

Degree 4

Life is not the same.
Saturday, January 1, 2011 0 comments

Degree 3

Give me a reason.
Why I'm feeling so blue.
Everytime I close my eyes, all I see is you.

Give me a reason.
Why I can't feel my heart.
Everytime you leave my side, I just fall apart.

And when you're fast asleep, I wonder where you go.
Can you tell me, I want to know.

Give me a reason.
Why I can't concentrate.
The world is turning upside down.
Spinning round and round.

Give me a reason.
Why I now understand.
The beauty and simplicity of everything surrounding me.

You got a way of spreading magic everywhere.
Anywhere I go, I know you're always there.
It sounds ridiculous, but when you leave a room,
There's a part of me that just wants to follow you too.

It's such a hard life in most of the time.
I'm just surviving.
That's why I want you to know.
In the world where sincerity has lost its meaning.
You fill my world with so much hope.

And I miss you.
This is all I want to say.
These three words have said it all.
I know it doesn't sound too cool.

But maybe I'm in love with you.

Degree 2

How do I stop myself from crying?

We are not far yet I couldn't help feeling lonely.

It was a great date so far.
New place. New environment.
New adventure.

McDonald's.The Curve.The Tourist.Ikea.Swedish Meatballs.Chicken Wings.Muffins.

New bag-s.New lint roller.

I'm gonna miss all these.
Very much.

I know this won't be the last.
But I don't know when is the next.

I pray it won't be long.


Degree 1

8.30 a.m

New year. New day. New resolution. New determination.

I kick off my 2011 with my love. ♥

And the new title begins.

6.00 p.m

Here I am, at home and couldn't stop crying.