Really lllllooooonnnnngggggggg entry.
Beware, you've been warned.
Off babysitting. (and being a maid)
Truthfully, I like kids. Very much so. I can spend hours with them. I can them around. I really wouldn't mind. But, one thing I hate is spoiled kids. Kids that thinks they are no boundaries for them. I get it that they are KIDS. They wouldn't have the mind like an adults. Well, duh. Of course I knew that.
But the thing is, those boundaries can be set. BY THE PARENTS. For me, there's limitation to everything. The way you talk. The way you behave. The whole she-bang. And this limitation need to be introduced since those kids are little. I'm not saying I'm an expert on these matters, but hey, I've my share of stories. (Ibu used to babysit all the time, that's why)
In my situation now, the kids I'm babysitting, I can strongly say that they have no manners. At all. Why? Because their parents didn't teach them to behave. No, its not the teachers job to shape the kids. Its the parents. Everything starts from home. We often hear this, "Mak ayah kau tak ajar ke?" "Mak ayah lepaskan sangat anak2, jadi macam tu la", etc. True isn't it?
This kids I'm with. They have developed the attitude that whatever they want must be fulfilled. Well, you see. Normally, for breakfast we have healthy food. Let it be heavy or light. Its up to the person. But these kids, they have Smarties, drinks 100Plus, Mentos, Chocolate and lots of other junk food.
No actual food. There this one time I didn't give him what he wants and he ends up throwing tantrums around the house. Spilling drinks. Blasting the TV volume. Mess around his toys. Annoying me out of my mind. I was freakin' mad at him. I scolded him saying that it is not healthy to eat such things early in the morning. Knows what he said? "Biarlah. Ibu bagi." *slaps forehead*
That is during breakfast. During lunch, when there is perfectly cooked meal (his Ibu prepared it before going to work) he would ask for something else. And when even he ate the meal, it was only a tiny portion. I asked him why, he said he didn't like the taste. I told him, that his Ibu would be mad if he didn't eat, he just said that his Ibu never scolded him. RAGE!!!!!!! I was mad. Really mad.
I'm tired of listening to their needs. I want this. I want that. I need this. I need that. WTH!! I'm not their maid. Speaking of maid, what makes me more upset is that truly did treat like I'm their maid. The previous maid they have ran away somewhere and couldn't not speak Malay. So, she doesn't really understands what the kids are saying. But I do.
And what saddened me most is when I didn't do or give what they want they scolded me back and says, I'm only their maid. :'( See what I meant when I said that parents should set the boundaries? I know I wouldn't say such things when I was a kid because 1) we do not have a maid and 2) my father is a very very garang person.
Apart from taking care of the house, I have to clean the house too (which is not part of my agreement). Imagine taking care 3 kids and look after the house. It is not easy. No wonder their maid ran away. I bet she also couldn't stand it either. (bad of me to say such things, but hey, i am pissed at the moment). Back to the story, I have to do the laundry. Sweep the house. Mopped it. Feed the kids. And get this, when the parents comes home and see the house is immaculate, I'm the one they perli. Hello, its your kids mess. What would you know. You spent half of the day at the office and when you comes homes its almost the kids bed time.
You wouldn't know that I sweep the house thousand times because your kids leaves food crumbles EVERYWHERE. You wouldn't know that I mop the house million times because they spilled their drinks when they insist on using a cup instead of their bottles. You wouldn't know that I wash the dishes hundreds of time a day because your kids wants to eat many things. You wouldn't know any of it because I am the one doing the actual work.
Don't complaint on me when its you who acted selflessly. Oh my, I have lots more to write, especially about how the argue over the iPads. Two iPad and they still argue for it. But, I'm too sleepy to write anymore.
Fyi, the kids age are: 11, 5 and 2 years old.
ps: the only things that's keeping me sane right now is the thought of wearing new baju kurung and heels this weekend.