Sunday, October 31, 2010 0 comments

End 2

Trip down the old memories:

A good friend of mine once asked me,
"Alin, how's the feeling of being love?"
Haa.. I can't remember what I replied but I'm sure its not the answer he expected.
Sorry for that.
I would answer it.
But not in the nearest time. :D

To be honest, I've never felt like this before *sigh*
True its a wonderful feeling, but somehow it can be frustrating too.
Thinking of the thousand possibilities makes me cringe.
The outcomes is vague with grey cloud of uncertainties..
Even so, I'm happy with where I am now.

Shoot. I have to stop talking about it. :)

Lots of things had happened in the past few months.
Things that taught me to be strong.
Things that taught me to be wise.
Things that taught me to be ignorance.

I've helped my friend through his rough patch.
And to see him happy now is enough even when I'm feeling left out.
Hey you, maybe I seems a little harsh. Maybe I'm annoying you, but just so you know,
you are a great buddy.
Congrats~ ^_^

I've rambled enough for the evening.
Gonna continue it later ok?

Till then,

People say,
There's always a silver lining behind every cloud.
When will mine shows?

End 1

Hello people! :)

Here are some update about me for the past few months:
  1. I'm the 'kakak senior' this sem. 
  2. I am done with my fyp. (which sucks in everyway) 
  3. I've grown thinner (I think :D) 
  4. I got new friends. Lots of them. 
  5. I learn that some people have weird attitude. 
  6. I've got new feelings in my heart :P 
  7. I am not the class rep anymore. Yeay me! 
  8. I've been in an accident. 
  9. I've stayed up all night without sleep for more than once. 
  10. I help people with love problem matter. 
  11. I created new enemy-s. 
  12. Oh. Oh. I'm in my finals at the moment. 
  13. Library is my second room. 
  14. I've won my bet. ^_^
There will be more, soon as I remember it, the number will be add up.

Alin :)

Wake up call.

I woke up this morning and had the feeling that I need to reboot my blog.
Its been a while since I post any entry.
Things have been hectic.
And I don't have the leisure for at the tip of the finger Internet connection.
Its my final semester and I'm almost at the end of it.
So that's not gonna be a problem anymore. ^^
I'm gonna start posting and its gonna be frequent.

Happy reading.
As always,
I write what I want, I couldn't care less what you think.

Alin :)